For many months my dear husband and I talked about the year 2020 and how exciting it was going to be for both of us since he would turn 75 on May 8 and I hope to make it to July 27 for my 75th. Since the Bible tells us in Genesis 2:24 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh,” we agreed that a joint birthday party celebrating 150 years would be a fun event. Then it dawned on us all the work involved and all the planning, which is just something this old pair wasn’t ready to tackle. But lo and behold our good friends, Chuck and Julie, informed us they were going to host our 150th party on May 8. Of course, all this was discussed back in January before “the pandemic” gripped the world. There will be no huge party this Friday night which is probably a big relief for Chuck and Julie because we never did confess to them we wanted 150 guests! They have a big backyard, but that would seriously violate social distancing rules even if there weren’t the coronavirus threat!
We really don’t feel deprived the party won’t happen (at least until fall or maybe never), because we know that birthday celebrations all across the world have been canceled. Even more heart breaking is the number of deaths where even family members and close friends could not attend a memorial service or celebration of life. It’s highly likely everyone reading this has been affected with changes in wedding, birthday, anniversary and other gatherings that couldn’t take place. But we hope you share out beliefs that we still live in the greatest country, with the greatest people and amazing leadership locally and nationally! So in lieu of the big birthday bash, we plan to get takeout (the Lord willing and the creek don’t rise) from one of our favorite restaurants, Liberty Station, that specializes in Texas style brisket with all the trimmings.

We will share the evening with Jerry’s birthday twin, Lenny and his wife, Minda, topping the evening off with my world famous (slight exaggeration) carrot cake and a few rounds of our favorite game, Heartland.
If you know Jerry and would like to send him a greeting this Friday, his email is [email protected] and if you know Lenny, please include him in the hello, and we’ll be sure he sees the message so these two great guys can share the love. Hebrews 13:1 reminds us “let brotherly love continue.”
For all you Moms and Grandmothers, we wish you a blessed Mother’s Day on Sunday! Be safe, be strong, and know you are loved! You may also wish to remember the words of Shakespeare “O Lord, that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” (from Henry VI, part 2).
Happy Birhday Sharky and Jerry! Please tell me about the game Heartland….
Thanks! LD
Loved your blog, as always! I do want to wish Jerry and Lenny (tho’ I don’t know him), a Happy Birthday! Wishing you all a great 150th celebration!!! Love and prayers. Bess
Happy Birthday to all. Lenny and Minda will be playing Heartland this evening with us and we will call it a celebration to have a celebration. In sort order, maybe six people can get together instead of four. Stay strong and healthy.
Happy belated birthday Jerry.
If you two still plan to do your 150 party later in the year, you could add me to it for an even 200.
Miss you