My last blog was one year ago. Somehow the past 12 months slipped by at breakneck speed. It was an interesting year with more than a few challenges, but dear husband, Jerry, and I are both so grateful for all the love and support that came our way as I was challenged with lots of medical tests, surgery and then radiation treatments.  In February of this year it was foot surgery with 6 weeks in an adorable, stylish (NOT) walking boot.  In April my oncologist declared me cancer free! We are rejoicing in these glorious victories and hopefully still maintaining a sense of humor.  Writing has been low on priority list. Laughing out loud and reading murder mysteries, prophesies and historical fiction has provided relief from angst, especially when prayers were continually being answered, not only for us but also for many friends and family who were going through very difficult times. There were tears also as some who were very near and dear to us departed this life. 

Last month on July 1, Jerry and I celebrated 57 years of a truly wonderful marriage. On May 8, Jerry turned 79 and I grabbed claim to that same number on July 27.  I love telling people I’m only about 345 days away from the big “80”.  But even at our age we still have so many unanswered questions!!!! In keeping with my usual (hopefully) positive, quirky and weird sense of humor, I share the following questions from an unknown source:

I mean seriously, who let the dogs out🤔?  Where’s the beef🤔?  How do I get to Sesame Street🤔?  Why doesn’t Dora just use Google Maps🤷‍♀️🤔?  Why do all the flavors of Fruit Loops taste exactly the same🤔? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop🤔?  Why are eggs packaged in a flimsy carton but batteries secured in plastic that’s tough as nails🤔?  Why is “abbreviated”  such a long word🤔?  Why is there a D in ‘fridge’ but not in refrigerator🤔?  Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons🤔?  Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections🤔?  When you “put your two cents in” but it only costs a “penny for your thoughts.” Where is that extra penny going🤔?  Why does The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune🤔?  You just tried to sing those two previous songs, didn’t you??😅😅😅.  What exactly is Victoria’s secret🤔?  Where’s Waldo🤔?  Can you hear me now🤔?  Do you really think I am this witty😅🤔?  I actually got this from a friend, who stole it from her brother’s girlfriend’s uncle’s cousin who lived next door to an old classmate’s mailman. Now, it is your turn to take it from me…copy and paste..change your age..please play the game… 😂🤣We think this is funny and hope you do also!

Rejoicing in healing and praising God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us!


  1. Brenda

    Good to hear from you dear Auntie Char ❤️
    Even though I usually feel like napping at this
    time of the day, your blog did not put me out!
    I am trying to be patient as I recover from my
    second Spinal Surgery in less than two years.
    Stay well, both of you! We will try to do the same
    so we can come see you this winter.
    Sending our love and hugs ❤️🤗🤗

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