No More Fluff! Seriously!!!

After my last blog, written last month after nearly a one year absence from writing, I felt convicted that it was just fluff.  I thought if I couldn’t come up with something better than that I should give up writing. Then a while back, a gentleman in our neighborhood called to ask if he could borrow some books from me since he knows I’m an avid reader.  I had to tell him most of the books I purchase are nonfiction and based on principles from the Bible.  He indicated that was fine and that he was anxious to learn more.  I loaned him “It’s Midnight in America” by Phil Hotsenpiller and “Living in the Daze of Deception” by Jack Hibbs.  The former book deals with America’s role in biblical prophecy and the urgent need for revival in the church.  I know nothing about the life of Pastor Hotsenpiller but the book had been recommended to me, and I found it to be spot on with what’s currently taking place in America.  Jack Hibbs book covers some of the deceptions taking place in our world and even in the church! We also love to listen to his sermons from Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California.

My friend read both books and called to ask for more!  This warmed my heart and encouraged me to try to encourage you to first of all read the Bible! Second, delve into some books that discuss the present age we’re living in and being challenged by with so much hate, deception, downright cruelty and culture issues.

My friend stopped over and glanced through about 8 or 10 books that I thought might interest him. He took all of them on the spot, and while I can’t recall many of the titles, I do remember one is “Letter to the American Church” by Eric Metaxsas.  Highly recommend you read it.  Just this morning Jerry and finished reading together “Shepherds for Sale” by Megan Basham.  She certainly has an appropriate last name since that young woman can really “bash ‘em”!!! It was a most informative read. If you’ve never heard of Megan, you can find her on YouTube with interviews by such as Seth Gruber and Ben Shapiro.  Dr. John MacArthur said this about her book: “This may just be the single most important book on modern evangelicalism in recent years. It is bold, clear, and very well-represented.” I especially loved Tom Ascol’s endorsement” “Shepherds for Sale is a devastating book. Every evangelical needs to read it and take action to stop bad shepherds from trading biblical truth for thirty pieces of worldly silver.” I would recommend you read it even if you don’t consider yourself an “evangelical”.

Today Jerry and I will begin reading “Religionless Christianity, God’s Answer to Evil” by Eric Metaxas. Here is part of a quote from the back cover: “In America we are experiencing our third—and likely our final—existential crisis. The first was our Revolution, when the threat was from without; the second was our Civil War, when the threat was from within. But now we face a third trial, whereby evil forces aim to steal our freedoms and national sovereignty via a globalist world system…………”

Also, if you’re a movie buff (we are not), you may want to see “God is Not Dead”. We went with friends (at their request) who are Jews and not Christians, and they really enjoyed the movie. Like us, they were appalled at the notice on the big screen at movie conclusion that 40 million Christians do not vote! Just for grins and curiosity, we went to see Matt Walsh’s production “Am I a Racist?”  I still don’t think I am but have been accused of that once or twice. Can’t please everyone. Sigh……….

I’ll wrap this up by confessing I do have more time to read than most people since I spend almost 4 hours a day using my Wellness Pro machine.  You may think you don’t have that kind of time to read, but don’t we find time for what’s really important to us? Staying on top of current events, I hope and pray, is a priority for all of us.

In closing, please continue to pray for our country, the upcoming election, Israel’s protection and peace and certainly the precious souls, if they are even still alive, who continue to be held hostage by Hamas.


  1. Karen

    I enjoyed this post and will read some of these books. As I was reading this I was thinking about the Christians that do not vote as I heard this week that only about 30% vote. And I am wondering why.

  2. Steve Wallin

    It really is a mystery why so many Christians don’t vote. Thanks for the book suggestions. I’ve been focused mostly on non-fiction history books with a recent emphasis on my genetic background (Scandinavia) – recently North Men: The Viking Saga 793 -1241 AD and A History of Finland. Both books look at the northward move of Christianity and the establishing of the church in the far north. But I will add yours to my list!!

  3. Judy Abbinanti

    It is very admirable how much you and Jerry read and do this together. I am impressed on how many books you read and have read. Your library is full and yet you continue to find new books to read. You are a wealth of information on what books to look into. Thank you.

  4. Stephen Decatur

    I didn’t know you had a blog Charlotte. This was quite interesting. Thank you for notifying me about it. As to why 70 % of the Christians don’t vote, i think it’s because they say that God will take care of it. They are lazy and entertained to death. They don’t get up of their fat a$$ and participate in the Republican process. An analogy with a farmer would be that he sits on the front porch and says, I’ll let God take care of it. The farmer has to do his part, too. God sends the rain, God sends the sunshine. The farmer has to do his part and cultivate the ground and plant the seeds, and christians have to do their part too and vote.

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